Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

I Buried My Mother in a Cardboard Box

"When you scratch or scrub yourself, dry skin is flaked off and new skin cells are born. In the time it takes you to read this paragraph, thousands of cells will have died. But there are so many, you do not have time to organize funerals for them."

       Thich Nhat Hanh, The Art of Living

I am twelve years old, sitting in the mortuary office with my mother, who is planning the funeral for my little brother, who just died of leukemia.

Of course, the consultant would like to sell her the "better quality" choices. I am focused on his discussion of grave liners. (Grave liners are boxlike structures made of concrete whose main purpose is to prevent the soil of the grave from sinking and collaspsing. Cemeteries often propose upgrading to a less porous material or a vault, which may be protective, supposedly sheltering the casket from moisture and deterioration.) At the moment, I find the director's presentation of alternatives morbidly interesting, and I am not surprised when my mother chooses the least expensive liner. She also selects a simple casket.

When we are alone, she tells me not to think that she is dishonoring my brother by making cost-saving choices. She says, "I believe in the Bible when it says ashes to ashes and dust to dust."

The day before the funeral, we have a private family viewing at the funeral home. The casket is the kind with the lid split into two parts. Half of it is open, allowing us to see the upper part of my brother's body. Dad asks Mom if she would like him to open the other half. She declines. I say nothing, although I wish it could be opened, because I polished my brother's shoes for this occasion, and I'd like to see them.

Forty-five years later, Mom and I are at the same mortuary, planning my father's funeral. I am thinking about "ashes to ashes". Our consultant is a pleasant woman who discusses the options and then takes us to a room to look at caskets. Most prominently displayed, of course, are the luxury models, polished walnut and mahogany with gleaming brass fittings. Up against the wall, I see the plain-looking budget models. I point to a beige one. "My father was a frugal man," I say. "I think he would prefer this."

Later, going through Dad's closet to select his final outfit, I feel a strange combination of irritation, sadness, and embarrassment at how threadbare his dress shirts are, and how hard it is to find socks without holes. At the funeral, it occurs to me, too late, that I could have just bought some things. My brother has Dad's glasses removed from the body so that they can be donated.

Fourteen years later, at the same mortuary, my siblings and I and our spouses are in the conference room planning Mom's funeral. Our consultant presents a slide show with various casket choices. They all seem stunningly expensive for boxes that are just going to be viewed briefly and then buried. I say, "She chose the budget options for her son and husband, and I think that's what she'd want for herself." The budget option turns out to be a container made of "pressed cardboard". It sounds dreadful, but I choose it, and the siblings agree.

There will be no viewings, as we are planning a simple graveside ceremony. It's just as well, because no one could find any presentable clothes in Mom's closet, and she will be buried wearing hiking shorts. I probably could have bought something, but circumstances and schedules have been unexpectedly complicated, and, thinking of "ashes to ashes," I decide that clothes don't matter at this point.

The day of the funeral is sunny. I worry that the cardboard casket will be tacky and embarrassing. Actually, it looks pretty. It is light blue and has a floral pattern pressed into the surface. We did not hire an officiant, but Mom's brother and her cousin have some nice things to say.

As my husband and I walk to our car, I look back and realize that the cemetery workers have already quietly lowered the cardboard casket into ground.


The Doctor Won't See You Now

When I had cancer, my doctors were glad that it had been discovered at a very early stage. We scheduled surgery right away, and they were able to remove the entire tumor, with no trace left behind. I made a full recovery, and I'm healthy now.

It is important to note that the doctors were aware that the tumor could grow, and that, left untreated, the cancer would eventually progress from stage one to stage four, and if that happened, I would be in serious trouble. They didn't wait to see if things got worse, but instead took action quickly to make sure that I would be as safe as possible.

Again, when my mother was diagnosed with glaucoma, the disease was in an early stage. If glaucoma is left untreated, it will put increasing pressure on the eye, causing pain and impaired vision, eventually damaging the optic nerve, resulting in blindness. But when caught early, the condition can be managed with medication, laser treatments, and surgery. No reputable doctor would withhold treatment, waiting until you can't see anything and your eye is about to explode, before intervening.

In the modern world, we expect our medical providers to recognize symptoms, understand the prognosis, and provide treatment that will reduce pain, prevent long-term damage, and avoid death.

However, in some parts of America, once considered a medically advanced nation, there are laws that require doctors to refuse care to some patients, even when the doctors know that these patients are likely to suffer and can predict that the patients will experience life-threatening complications that, if they manage to survive, may leave them with permanent damage. These are patients whose suffering, damage, and death are completely preventable. Yet the doctor must wait until the moment the patient is about to die before providing treatment.

I'm talking about women who experience miscarriages. In some states, bizarre anti-abortion laws prevent doctors from providing what was once standard care for miscarriage. Instead, women are left bleeding in hospital parking lots or told to go home and wait until things get worse. Some of these women are left so damaged that they cannot have more children; others die.

Read about Amber Thurman: This young mother's death was preventable.

Read about Jaci Stratton: She was told to bleed out.

Sadly, these are not isolated cases. It doesn't take much effort to find women who were neglected in the most horrible way. Many women have had to travel to other states to get the life-saving care they needed. Women who are too sick to travel are trapped.

There is no excuse for this. We live in a country with well-trained doctors and nurses, with well-equipped hospitals. Any condition other than pregnancy is treated with the patient's best interests in mind. What is deliberately being done to women in certain Republican-dominated states is beyond inexcusable. It is evil.

We must stop fanatical, undereducated politicians from intruding in the life-and-death decisions that should be made by medical professionals. As individuals, we can contact elected representatives and express our opinions. Most importantly, we can vote against the politicians who are willing to kill us.