Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts

Politicians and Other Sadists

A few weeks ago, there were a lot of news stories about the CEO of the National Rifle Association (NRA), Douglas Hamlin. When Hamlin was in college, he and some of his fraternity brothers tortured a cat to death. At the time, the story received quite a bit of coverage in the local news, with outraged citizens calling for harsh punishments.

The young men did not receive harsh punishments. They had to move out of the fraternity house, but were not expelled from school. Apparently, they paid small fines and were sentenced to community service.

Every article I have seen about this, whether from the time of the crime, or current, has included a description of what these monsters did to that cat. I'm sorry to have that knowledge. I will not repeat it here. Anyone who wants the disgusting details can look it up.

Some people say that this guy shouldn't be penalized for one thing he did over 40 years ago. I say that it probably wasn't an isolated incident. Animal abusers tend to start small and get worse over time. This was such an over-the-top act, it is impossible to imagine that it was the first - or only - time for the participants. Further, sadism is typically just one part of a psychopathology or a personality disorder that rarely improves.

People with antisicial personality disorder display a long-term pattern of disdain for others and violations of others' rights. It is probably no coincidence that a sadistic personality rose to a high position in an organization that habitually minimizes the suffering and deaths of thousands of human beings, and that asserts a "right" that it champions over the right to life.


NRA faces pressure to suspend CEO Warning: this article includes gruesome details near the end.

The Republican Pet Killing Brigade Note: Contains minor details about violent acts.

Animal Cruelty Facts