We Were Invited

In my neighborhood there is an extended "no parking" zone that is also labeled "fire lane". It is there for safety. Because the street is narrow, if people were to park in the fire lane, emergency vehicles wouldn't be able to get through. In other words, the rule exists for a good reason, even though it's not necessarily obvious.

Now imagine that my neighbor has a party and some of his guests decide to park in the fire lane. They are outraged when other neighbors complain, and they go ballistic when they get parking tickets. "We did nothing wrong!" one of them insists. "Bob invited us, so we can park anywhere on the street!" They just make faces when someone points out that Bob invited them to a private party, and his invitation does not cancel parking restrictions.

They could apologize, or they could say it was a misunderstanding, or they could just shut up and go away, but instead they start screaming that everyone who lives on this street is a liar and is treating them unfairly.


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