Those People Did Bad Things

Imagine that a power-hungry politician decides to stir up outrage by demonizing some people in your town. You might feel bad about what he's doing, but since you aren't one of "those people," you think it doesn't affect you.

However, people from outside your town become stirred up by the stories that are being told. Some of them pretend to be journalists and come to your town to "investigate." They either find a few people who are willing to get attention by confirming the rumors, or they find people who oppose the rumors and use them in an unfairly edited context to make it seem like they confirm the rumors.

More outsiders arrive, in a wave of hostile tourism, determined to "see for themselves." As the nasty rumors continue to be repeated, even some local people start imagining they might be true, although police, the mayor, the fire department, and most residents all say the stories are false.

Some angry people make threats against the people who have been accused. Some make threats against the city council. A few crazy people make bomb threats, leading to lockdowns and evacuations of businesses and schools, including the school where your kids are. Now, at last, it's affecting you.


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