July 11, 2024

Without Voter ID, This Happened

I used to live in a state that did not require ID to vote. Here's what happened.

The polling place was near my neighborhood. In some years, it was at a school or in a garage within walking distance. It was rare to wait more than 20 minutes, and often there was no wait. Upon arrival, I told the poll workers my name and address. They found me in the list of registered voters, and I signed my name next to my listing. Then I got my ballot and voted.

Would it have been possible for fraud to occur? Sure, if someone knew my name and address and got there before me (or if I didn't vote that time, which never happened) they could have pretended to be me. It would be very difficult to perform fraud like that on a large scale, because you would need a large number of of imposters successfully impersonating people who hadn't voted. It's a crazy idea.


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