Gone Fishin'

Kids Fishing, photo by Rosemary West © 2008
It hardly looks like December, even in South California. Temperatures in the 80’s are perfect for a visit to Lake Balboa.

Holiday Spirit

Christmas socks, photo by Rosemary West © 2008It was about 80 degrees outside when we stopped at a fast-food place for a cold drink. This woman was wearing Christmas-themed toe socks (patched on the heels with bright blue) with camouflage-striped flip-flops, blue crop pants, a ragged gray-green tank top and a sleeveless, beige cardigan. She caught our attention with her nasty cursing when the counter girl made an error and sold her three drinks instead of one. Neither of them was a native speaker of English, but they were forced to use English because it was the only language they had in common.


Seagulls, photo by Rosemary West © 2008These seagulls at Lake Balboa seem to be standing in formation.

Not Too Late

Although CSUN has closed applications for lower-division students wishing to enter in the fall, it is still accepting them for upper-division transfer students. Students are strongly urged to use the “easy” online application system. It requires filling out page after page of information. As I neared the end, an error on their part (yes, really) prevented me from completing the process. So I printed out the paper application (8 pages of application, 9 pages of additional paper-wasting material) and will be mailing it promptly.