
My aunt Martha was a serious grudge-holder. She always assumed that everyone else remembered all the petty little things from 40 years ago that she referred to obliquely, imagining that she had scored a zinger, when actually no one knew what she was talking about.

Martha would relate anecdotes in which she had enjoyed what she thought was a "gotcha" moment. Once at the City Clerk's office, where she was annoyed by having to file some kind of paperwork, she reminded the young person behind the window that "This city doesn't actually exist, legally," and belived she had scored points when the worker had nothing to say in response. Martha's remark was based on her memory of something that had happened decades earlier, when here was some technical irregularity in the city's incorporation papers. She assumed everyone with a city job knew about that.

Like a lot of self-righteous people, Martha always imagined that if people had no response to her pronouncements, it meant they knew she was right. It never occurred to her that they just thought she was crazy.

Martha was married over 60 years to Frank, who often seemed baffled by the endless supply of anger his wife harbored. Many of her most cherished grudges involved him, something he had or hadn't said or done when they were dating and during the early years of their marriage. One of her favorites was that he had complimented her potato salad when they went on a picnic, but later admitted he really hated it. In her eyes, that made him a liar, and she never forgave him for the revelation that her cooking skills were subpar.

In his eighties, Frank experienced health problems, along wth a cognitive decline. His ability to process information deteriorated, he exercised poor judgment, and he was no longer able to drive. He became dependent on Martha for nearly everything.

Once, I was at their house, helping Martha reorganize the garage. We were chatting about random things, and she began telling me a story from her early life with Frank. They had rented a small house in an old neighborhood, not within walking distance of any shops or businesses. It sounded to me like what today we would call a "food desert". They had one car, which Frank drove to work every day, leaving Martha at home with the baby.

One day, she asked him to pick up something for her on his way home. He declined, because it was out of his way, and said she'd have to wait for the weekend, when she could get it herself. She was bitterly disappointed and never forgot his selfishness.

"Last week," she said, "there was some little thing Frank wanted me to get for him. I told him I couldn't do it because it was out of my way, and he could wait until the weekend. He remembered. Oh, he remembered." With a smug look on her face, she continued moving boxes.

I didn't believe Frank remembered the incident Martha was referencing. More likely, he just felt helpless, even hopeless, at the mercy of a mysteriously angry woman who could arbitrarily deny his requests. I wondered if she was planning to get revenge for every slight, every disappointment, every misstep for the past sixty years. I wondered if I should investigate further, and if I would have to call Adult Protective Services.

Frank was inside, watching TV with the volume turned up. He asked me where Martha was, and appeared reassured when I said she was cleaning the garage. It seemed unlikely that he recalled last week's conversation.

Frank had a third heart attack later that year, and did not survive. Martha no longer had the strength or the will to maintain the house, so she moved into assisted living, where she survived another ten years, accumulating minor grudges against the manager, a couple of the housekeepers, and some lady named Helen.


Random Thoughts

Young women who want their tubes tied are often refused by doctors who tell them that their future husband might want children. So their lives are being controlled by the imaginary preferences of an imaginary man.

A lot of people think they know things.

If Republicans succeed in eliminating the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which includes the National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center, they'll be able to deny disaster relief to communities devastated by disastrous storms by claiming, "It wasn't a hurricane, it was your fault for leaving your sprinklers running."

All those prescription drug ads on TV are required to mention possible side effects. Essentially, they end up saying, "This may make you feel better for a while, but it could ruin your life and end up killing you." So, not much different from heroin?

My favorite prescription drug ad is the one where Mom has Alzheimer's and gets angry when people push her around, as anyone would, so they decide to drug her into submission.

Every opinion (even something as innocuous as your favorite ice cream) has the potential to infuriate someone.

I have two known ancestors who fought (on our side) in the American Revolution. That doesn't make me a hero. I also have one known ancestor who owned slaves. That doesn't make me a villain.
I didn't get to pick my ancestors, and they didn't get to pick me.


Proof of Citizenship

What would I do if I had to prove my citizenship? I'd use my passport. What if, like more than half of U.S. citizens, I didn't have a passport?

Without a passport, an enhanced driver's license (or enhanced state ID card) will do. I don't have one of those, so I need to assemble the documents that will be required to get it.

I need to start by getting a copy of my birth certificate. I don't live in the county (or state) where I was born, so a trip to the courthouse is impractical. Fortunately, I can order one by mail.

If I was born abroad to U.S citizens, I could use a Consular Report of Birth Abroad. A copy can be obtained by mailing a notarized application form and $50.00. If I wasn't born a U.S citizen, but moved to the U.S. and became naturalized, my naturalization certificate would work. Most likely, I would have this in my possession. In fact, if I were a naturalized citizen I could probably use that certificate as proof of citizenship and just skip the enhanced driver's license. But I'm a citizen by birth, so I need to keep working on this.

My birth state has a website that offers a choice between an "informational copy" and a "certified copy." The informational copy will be stamped with the words "Informational, not valid to establish identity," so I need the certified copy. I can print an application form to fill out. I'll also need to fill out a sworn statement saying that I am who I am, and get it notarized.

The fee for the certificate is $29.00. I can get my application notarized at the UPS store three miles away for $10.00. That's $39.00 plus postage for the birth certificate.

I mail the notarized statement with a check for $29.00. According to the state website, average processing time is 12-14 weeks. Yikes!

My current name is not the same as the name on my birth certificate, so I'll need to document that. The DMV will accept a passport (which, for purposes of this story, I don't have) or a certified copy of a marriage or divorce decree or court-ordered name change. Let's assume I changed my name when I got married. Getting the marriage certificate is a lot like getting the birth certificate. This costs $17.00, plus another $10.00 for notarization. If I've been married more than once, I need copies of all marriage certificates. The processing time is still 12-14 weeks. Let's hope I figured this out and mailed this application at the same time as the birth certificate request.

If I had legally changed my name by court decree, a certified copy costs $40.00.

Next, I need a proof of identity, which could be a passport, military ID, driver's license, government employee ID card, or certificate of naturalization. I'll use my current driver's license (assuming they'll accept it with an outdated address).

I now need to two proofs of my current address. These could include a bank statement, utility bill, vehicle registration, professional license, home ownership document, or some other kind of official document (as listed on the DMV website), or postmarked mail. I can use a document in my spouse's name if I also show a marriage certificate. This seems like it should be easy,but I'm finding it strangely difficult. I've lived in this house only a short time, and so far the only mail I've received is junk mail for the previous occupant. My bank account is online, and I don't yet have a printable statement with this address. My driver's license is two addresses behind, because the DMV doesn't issue a new license when an address change is reported. Since I'm waitng 12-14 weeks to get those birth and marriage certificates, maybe by then I'll have something I can use.

So far, I have spent $66.00 plus postage. Add another $27.00 for each additional marriage, if applicable. Don't forget the fee my state charges for a new driver's license. Fees are different in different states, and not all states or counties make it easy to order documents online or by mail. Typically, the fee is the same if the documents are obtained at the courthouse or hall of records. Some states do not consider vital records (birth, marriage, death) to be public records, and may require more than just a notarized statement to prove someone is allowed to receive the necessary certificates.

Three months after I started, my birth and marriage certificates arrive. Now I'm ready to visit the DMV with my pile of documents. Since the election is in Novenmber, it would be great if I had started this in July or August - maybe earlier, depending on my state's voter registration deadline.
Fees and procedures described above apply to the county and state where I was born. Some localities charge significantly higher fees or make it much more difficult to get copies of documents.

Note that, as of this writing, proof of citizenship does not always require an enhanced driver's license (aka Real ID), which is typically intended as identification for traveling by air. In many cases, a certified birth certificate is sufficient, provided the person's current name appearing on other forms of ID is exactly the same as on the birth certificate. Changes in spelling (Janice vs. Janis, Stephen vs. Steven) or use of an alternate form (Mike vs. Michael, Dave vs. David) may require additional documentation, which is not necessarily possible to obtain. Common sense is not admissable. People who change surnames upon marriage need to provide certified marriage and/or divorce certificates.

Some people do not have birth certificates. This may be the case for people who were not born in a hospital or clinic. (It can also be a problem for older people born in rural areas where record keeping was not meticulous, or in cases where public records have been lost or destroyed.) In the case of home births, counties or states allow registration of the birth, but sometimes people simply don't bother to register a home birth. For people who have reached adulthood without ever having a birth certificate, it may be possible to obtain a "delayed birth certificate". This requires sworn statements from witnesses, such as the mother or someone else who was present at the time. My grandfather was never able to get one, becase at the time he applied, his parents were dead, and the bureaucrats did not accept his sister as a witness.

A Social Security card is not considered proof of citizenship. According to the Social Security Administration, proof is one of these: Certificate of Naturalization, birth certificate (or equivalent), U.S. Passport or Passport Card.

For more information on proof of citizenship or acquistion of important documents, see these links:

   US Passports
   Real ID


The Doctor Won't See You Now

When I had cancer, my doctors were glad that it had been discovered at a very early stage. We scheduled surgery right away, and they were able to remove the entire tumor, with no trace left behind. I made a full recovery, and I'm healthy now.

It is important to note that the doctors were aware that the tumor could grow, and that, left untreated, the cancer would eventually progress from stage one to stage four, and if that happened, I would be in serious trouble. They didn't wait to see if things got worse, but instead took action quickly to make sure that I would be as safe as possible.

Again, when my mother was diagnosed with glaucoma, the disease was in an early stage. If glaucoma is left untreated, it will put increasing pressure on the eye, causing pain and impaired vision, eventually damaging the optic nerve, resulting in blindness. But when caught early, the condition can be managed with medication, laser treatments, and surgery. No reputable doctor would withhold treatment, waiting until you can't see anything and your eye is about to explode, before intervening.

In the modern world, we expect our medical providers to recognize symptoms, understand the prognosis, and provide treatment that will reduce pain, prevent long-term damage, and avoid death.

However, in some parts of America, once considered a medically advanced nation, there are laws that require doctors to refuse care to some patients, even when the doctors know that these patients are likely to suffer and can predict that the patients will experience life-threatening complications that, if they manage to survive, may leave them with permanent damage. These are patients whose suffering, damage, and death are completely preventable. Yet the doctor must wait until the moment the patient is about to die before providing treatment.

I'm talking about women who experience miscarriages. In some states, bizarre anti-abortion laws prevent doctors from providing what was once standard care for miscarriage. Instead, women are left bleeding in hospital parking lots or told to go home and wait until things get worse. Some of these women are left so damaged that they cannot have more children; others die.

Read about Amber Thurman: This young mother's death was preventable.

Read about Jaci Stratton: She was told to bleed out.

Sadly, these are not isolated cases. It doesn't take much effort to find women who were neglected in the most horrible way. Many women have had to travel to other states to get the life-saving care they needed. Women who are too sick to travel are trapped.

There is no excuse for this. We live in a country with well-trained doctors and nurses, with well-equipped hospitals. Any condition other than pregnancy is treated with the patient's best interests in mind. What is deliberately being done to women in certain Republican-dominated states is beyond inexcusable. It is evil.

We must stop fanatical, undereducated politicians from intruding in the life-and-death decisions that should be made by medical professionals. As individuals, we can contact elected representatives and express our opinions. Most importantly, we can vote against the politicians who are willing to kill us.


Just One More Thing

Years ago, at one of my first real jobs, I had a lot of little responsibilities in an office. I delivered inter-office mail, filed paperwork, typed memos, made copies, relieved the receptionist on her breaks, etc.

Over time, people began asking me to do more little things. They wanted more copies, they needed more things typed, someone had to supervise a student intern, and so on. It wasn't difficult to add one more little thing. And then another little thing. and another.

To be honest, I didn't really notice that I was doing so much more work than I had started with. But when I left that job, they had to replace me with two people.


Don't Cross That Line

Imagine you are pregnant and you live in a state that has completely outlawed all abortions. That's okay, because you don't want an abortion. They've also made it illegal to travel out of state for the purpose of getting an abortion somewhere else. That's still okay, because you definitely don't want an abortion.

You're driving to visit your sister in the next state, and she's going to give you some baby furniture and clothes that she has from her five kids. As you near the state line, you see a flashing light in your rear view mirror. You pull over. The state trooper checks your license and registration and asks where you're going. You tell him, and he says, "Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to turn around."

"But why?" you ask.

He looks annoyed, but explains, "There's a women's clinic just over the state line on this road. It's illegal for you to go there."

You smile. "I'm not going to a clinic. I'm heading to my sister's house, 50 miles beyond the state line."

The trooper shakes his head. "Ma'am, I'm sure you understand why I can't just take your word for that. We get a lot of lawbreakers on this stretch of highway."

"But look at me!" you protest. "I'm eight months pregnant. This baby was planned. We've already named her."

The trooper is starting to lose patience. "Ma'am, I'm pretty sure you know as well as I do they could abort that baby right up until birth. You need to turn the car around and go home."

You realize that it's pointless to argue, so you make a U-turn while the trooper watches, and go back the way you came.

Later, you call your sister and tell her what happened. You suggest that maybe she could bring the baby things to you, but she declines because she's afraid that if she sets foot in your state, she'll never get out.


Those People Did Bad Things

Imagine that a power-hungry politician decides to stir up outrage by demonizing some people in your town. You might feel bad about what he's doing, but since you aren't one of "those people," you think it doesn't affect you.

However, people from outside your town become stirred up by the stories that are being told. Some of them pretend to be journalists and come to your town to "investigate." They either find a few people who are willing to get attention by confirming the rumors, or they find people who oppose the rumors and use them in an unfairly edited context to make it seem like they confirm the rumors.

More outsiders arrive, in a wave of hostile tourism, determined to "see for themselves." As the nasty rumors continue to be repeated, even some local people start imagining they might be true, although police, the mayor, the fire department, and most residents all say the stories are false.

Some angry people make threats against the people who have been accused. Some make threats against the city council. A few crazy people make bomb threats, leading to lockdowns and evacuations of businesses and schools, including the school where your kids are. Now, at last, it's affecting you.


It's Time For A Care Home

Sometimes it's hard to know when a family member's cognitive functions begin to deteriorate. People often say, "He was always like this, except now it's worse," in reference to paranoia, irritability, bossiness, sneakiness, or whatever negative personality trait is no longer inhibited.

Eventually it becomes impossible to deny what is happening. He leaves the front door standing open. Her car is covered in little dents and scrapes. He leaves plates of food spoiling in odd locations around the house. She is convinced that strange urban legends are actually true. He makes disastrous financial decisions. She tells long stories about her life that never happened. He gets lost on the way to the grocery store. She doesn't recognize her sister. He thinks Haiti is part of Venezuela. She is convinced that the new neighbors ate someone's cat.

Sad as it is, the time has come to take away the keys and consider safer living arrangements.


The Failure of Tariffs

If a politician tells you that tariffs will make a lot of money for the government, he's telling you that tariffs don't work.


Here's why. A tariff is a sales tax on foreign goods. This tax is paid by American companies when they import products from other countries, and then it's passed on to the consumer.

The purpose of the tariff (sales tax) is to make imported items so expensive that people will stop buying them. If the tariff works, people stop buying those things. When they stop buying the things, the things are no longer coming into the country, and so there is no tariff to pay.

If tariffs are still being paid, it means the goods are still being imported, because the tariff didn't get people to stop buying those items. A tariff that continues to bring in lots of money is a tariff that failed to stop the influx of foreign goods.

So, the politician who tells you that tariffs will provide the government with an ongoing stream of billions of dollars is a politician who is telling you he already expects -or plans - for his tariffs to fail.


We Were Invited

In my neighborhood there is an extended "no parking" zone that is also labeled "fire lane". It is there for safety. Because the street is narrow, if people were to park in the fire lane, emergency vehicles wouldn't be able to get through. In other words, the rule exists for a good reason, even though it's not necessarily obvious.

Now imagine that my neighbor has a party and some of his guests decide to park in the fire lane. They are outraged when other neighbors complain, and they go ballistic when they get parking tickets. "We did nothing wrong!" one of them insists. "Bob invited us, so we can park anywhere on the street!" They just make faces when someone points out that Bob invited them to a private party, and his invitation does not cancel parking restrictions.

They could apologize, or they could say it was a misunderstanding, or they could just shut up and go away, but instead they start screaming that everyone who lives on this street is a liar and is treating them unfairly.


Random Thoughts

One thing I've learned from social media is that there are a lot of people who think jokes need fact-checking.

trump could go to Arlington, dig up JFK's grave, gnaw on the bones, and then post the video in an ad on Tik Tok, and his cult would argue that it was okay because nothing he does is ever wrong and their grandpa never really liked the Kennedys anyway.

I don't believe in ghosts, but I have met perfectly sane people who saw *something*

Mainstream news outlets declared Joe Biden unfit to run because he spoke complete sentences in a very soft voice. They do not question donald trump's fitness, even when he quite loudly speaks nonsense.

People who insist on talking to you through the bathroom door.

The "spoils system" was a corrupt tradition whereby government jobs were given to people loyal to the party in power. It led to incompetence, waste, damage and chaos. In the US, it ended after the Civil War. trump's Project 2025 plans to bring it back by firing thousands of civil service employees and replacing them with party loyalists.

Do you like having a device in your car that can tell you, turn by turn, exactly how to get where you're going, while keeping track of traffic incidents and offering alternate routes? Without educated people who took science classes, you'd still be using paper maps.

Certain politicians blame lax border security for a flood of fentanyl entering the country. They seem to have forgotten that most fentanyl is brought in by US citizens at legal ports of entry. People choose to take drugs. Without the demand, the supply would end. But addressing the causes of addiction is more complicated than just blaming the border, so it's beyond them.

Boys and Girls Together

I see a lot of people online who seem absolutely convinced that thousands of men are so desperate to spy on girls in locker rooms and restrooms that they will disrupt their entire lives, undergo cosmetic surgery, possibly even have their reproductive organs removed, take potentially dangerous hormones, lose all hope of ever having a "normal" dating life or marriage, subject themselves to being mocked and ostracized -- all for the fleeting gratification of peeking at females.

It's certainly true that some men enjoy the opportunity to get a glimpse of women in revealing circumstances. For example, the former owner of the Miss Teen USA pageant admitted to deliberately barging into the dressing room while the contestants were undressed. But even that guy probably wouldn't have gone so far as to undergo a sex change, just for the dubious thrill of hanging out with ladies in locker rooms.

We live in a world where almost anything is possible, so it is possible that there has been, or might be, a man or two who would go to such extremes for such a minor payoff. In any case, this isn't something that is happening everywhere all the time, as the alarmists would have us believe.

But the fear that this is a widespread phenomenon has caused problems for some girls, especially girls who compete in sports. Girls who are perceived as being not pretty enough, girls who are much taller than average or who have very low body fat and well-developed muscles are often accused of being men in disguise. These girls may have a natural ability to excel at sports, but find themselves denounced and vilified, forced to live under a cloud of suspicion simply because an ignorant mob doesn't like their looks.


Happy People Are Crazy

There is a kind of dour, emotionally-stunted, unimaginative personality that can't recognize or comprehend the full spectrum of human experience and, in particular, reacts to others' happiness, enthusiasm, and enjoyment of life as if witnessing the breakdown of civilization. These perpetually unhappy characters are quick to perceive any outward expression of excitement or happiness as pathological. They often react the same way when faced with other's grief or sadness. For them, the only acceptable emotion seems to be anger, and the only appropriate modes of expression are disdain and mockery. Few of us would wish to live such miserable, limited lives.

Bad Jokes

When I want to make fun of a politician like donold trump, I usually do what most people do – I post a clip from one of his speeches or I upload a transcript of something he has actually said. I might simply mention a well-known quote. For example, referring to Hannibal Lecter or whale-killing windmills is an obvious reference to trump.

It's pretty normal to use a politician's own words and behavior to make fun of them. However, when JD Vance wanted to mock Kamala Harris, he didn't use any clips or quotes from her interview or speeches. Instead, he dug up an old clip from a Miss USA pageant, featuring a young lady who looks nothing like Kamala, has nothing to do with Kamala's campaign, and probably has never even met Kamala.

The clip was extremely embarrassing to the young woman, not to Kamala Harris. Somehow, JD thought it would be funny to publicly humiliate a stranger and that doing so would strike a blow against the Harris campaign. That’s a weird idea.

When it was pointed out to him that the incident in the clip was so distressing to the young woman that it had led her to contemplate suicide, did he say, "Oh no, I didn't know that, that's very concerning and I'll delete the post immediately"? He did not. Did he say, "I'm terribly sorry for having added to her pain, and I'll delete the post immediately"? He did not. Did he say, "It was a mistake to use that clip and I'll delete it immediately"? He did not. Did he just quietly delete the post? He did not. When given an opportunity to apologize, Vance refused to do so.

The young woman in the video has since deleted her Xtwitter account, even though she did nothing wrong. In the meantime, Vance's nasty little post is still visible.